Llibres curs 2024-25

Curs C2

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Recommended grammar and vocabulary

1r i 2n: Foley, M. & Hall,D. My Grammar Lab. Elementary A1/A2. Ed Pearson ISBN: 9781408299135

3r: AAVV. Destination B1 Grammar and vocabulary with key. Ed. Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230035362

4t i 5è: Prodromou, LukeGrammar and vocabulary for Cambridge First with key.  Second edition. Pearson. ISBN: 9781408290590


A.A.V.V. Destination C1 and C2. Grammar and Vocabulary with Answer key. MacmillanISBN: 9780230035409

English Collocations in Use. Advanced. Cambridge. ISBN: 9780521707800